While preparing for Christmas I have carols playing continually to keep me moving and inspired.  I love to catch some of the phrases in my mind and focus on what the writers were expressing from their hearts.   Two verses from ‘I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day” caught my attention and stirred my soul. The last two verses  say,   ” Then in despair I bowed my head, ‘there is no peace on earth’  I said. For hate is strong and mocks the song of peace on earth, goodwill to men.  Then pealed the bells more loud and deep GOD IS NOT DEAD nor doth He sleep, the wrong shall fail, the right prevail, with peace on earth, goodwill to men.”

Penned by Longfellow in  1863, its sentiments could have been written this year.  Many times the events of our nations cause us to bow our heads in despair, the situations in our families cause heart break and the sin in our own lives mocks back at us that hate is strong.  But God didn’t leave His creation there.  In the manger was provided the  “right that will prevail”.  The Son of God was given who can restore nations, mend brokenness and forgive and heal from personal guilt.  From that night of the nativity there is a hope that causes us to raise our heads and peal the bells loud and deep!  God is not dead, nor doth He sleep!   Joy to the World, our Lord has come!!!


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