2014 – Vessel of Honour
About 500 women mainly from former Yugoslavia (20 nationalities present) gathered together in a place called Etno Village, in BiH. It was our first time in this amazing venue, it was really a place for a Daughter of the King, that was the first extravagant blessing. Our speakers were from USA and Germany. Each one of them brought a treasure of truth to the women, challenging them to live :-
“like a champion, (David & Goliath)
“have renewed hope (Hannah )
“walk in His obedience (Mary)
“accept His Grace, and His forgiveness, extending grace & forgiveness to others (James 4:6).
“walking in wisdom, with a pure heart, being a peacemaker, sincere, filled with mercy and producing good fruit” (James 3:17 ).
“living a life free from fear” ( Galatians 5:1).
As well as the main sessions, we offered 5 workshops each day. They were all well attended; these dear women are so open to receive and respond. The Lord had shown me be before the conference that He had many treasures to pour out, and we certainly saw that. Our worship was extravagant, anointed in a new and powerful way. The women were very responsive to the messages. We support 3 charities every year, Pro-life centers, women’s prison and a local safe house for women. We received so much stuff to give to each of these charities, I have no idea where it all came from. Sunday morning a representative from each group came to receive the goods, they were also overwhelmed by what they received and we connected with the women who run the safe house, and I believe we will see many more safe houses throughout the Balkans in the future.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]