Some Christians make negative noises about making New Years resolutions for some reason I have never understood.  I think any time we decide to make positive changes in our lives and desire to follow through is a good day!  In scripture, Daniel “purposed in his heart” about not defiling himself and God honored that greatly.  The beginning of a new year is a good time to reevaluate our lives and determine to become more Christl like.  Setting goals and devising plans is a positive exercise and can give us a boost to get started.  There is an old saying, “if you fail to plan you are planning to fail”.  I would pray that as Daughters of the King we are planning to be victorious!

Get a devotional book and purpose to read it and your Bible every day.  Choose some scripture to memorize and chart out the verses and the days.  Read a chapter of Proverbs every day, every month throughout the year and you can’t help but become wiser!  (31 proverbs fills every day of every month) Make a prayer plan and pray regularly and often.  Plan wise spending and giving of your finances.  Start a healthy eating plan (again). Determine to walk 30 minutes every day. Whatever the Lord puts on your mind to change or plan for, do it!!  Call it a resolution, or purpose, or dedication.  Just plan time to make the changes with God’s help that will draw you closer to His image.  God has plans for you and He will bless you.  He told His people in Jeremiah, “I know the plans I have for you.”   Planning is a God thing.  Go ahead, make some resolutions!!


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