Right now in Michigan and in surrounding states there is a stomach flu attacking us!  Whole families are being put down for a while with headaches, fevers and vomiting.  My own 9 year old grandson was a victim to it and now we are all waiting to see who is next?  The good news is that it seems to be only the 24 hour variety and most folk recover quickly.  It is highly contagious!!.

What are people in your world “catching” from you?  Are they receiving the good news of Christ and His saving grace?  What attitudes will your family learn from you and pass on to others?  Negativity, bitterness, unforgiveness. bigotry and even sarcasm are germs that we can pass along and contaminate our world for generations.  A sickness of the soul that is hard to cure developes. Galatians 5:22-23  tell us what to give others.  Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control are the “germs” that we should pass on to others so that they will “catch” a sight of Christ in us.  Be contagious! Pass it on. Let others catch Christ from you!!



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