“Father this morning I get such a sense of being surrounded by your LOVE”. These were the words I spoke to my Heavenly Father this morning. I love to sit in silence and just sense His presence and whilst doing that this morning having my early morning coffee, I had such a sense of being cocooned in His Grace and Love. The picture I saw in my mind was of a baby safely cocooned in it’s mother’s womb. A pregnant woman is constantly watching over and protecting her baby. Our heavenly Father is constantly watching over us. If you are feeling insecure today meditate on the following scripture.
2 Chronicles 16:9 “The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to HIM.
If someone is cocooned in blankets or clothes, they are completely wrapped in them; that is what we are when we surrender our will to God, He wraps us completely in His GRACE and LOVE.


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