Recently I was diagnosed with an ailment that was causing me constant pain in my knee, a slight limp and worrisome thoughts that I might need some type of surgery or serious medications. Once defined as a common but painful situation I was relieved but still anxious. I shared my plight with a few friends and immediately they all voiced ideas and one said, “Oh, I had that and I got over it ; you will too”. I immediately felt lighter and a sense of hope.
One of the world’s most loved Christmas carols, “O, Holy Night” has the line. “A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices, for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn!”. I understand a little better the idea of “A thrill of hope”. Things will get better, the future is brighter, wounds will be made whole, illnesses healed. Yonder, in the manger lies the answer, a new and glorious morn! It was the night of our dear Saviors birth! No matter how long we have lain in our sin and error , HE has appeared, and our souls are worthy through HIM!! Trust in this Child of the virgin, this sacrifice of the cross! There is the thrill of hope for all our situations. They will either be resolved here or in eternity. You will “get over it’ like my unexpected diagnosis, the pain will be relieved in time. God’s time.
So, even though I will need to carefully fall on my knees, I want to proclaim with those angel voices, “O night divine, O, Holy Night, when Christ was born!!