Conference 2011


2011 – Walking in Victory

Our 5th Daughter of the King Conference was attended by 600 women from 16 different nations. What an amazing journey it continues to be. Every year God seems to take us to a higher level, and this year was no exception. The delegates span 4 generations; we had 50 teenagers. We also had 14 salvations, quite a few re-commitments and many filled with the Holy Spirit.This year for the first time we had a presentation from pro-life and Women at Risk. This is something I believe God set up, so we can become a voice for those who have no voice, both presentations were followed by workshops for those who would like to get involved. The delegates were asked to bring something for 3 charities that we had chosen; pro-life, safe house for women, and a public kitchen; for which we had an awesome response. (See photos). We took up an offering for the 3rd time for Durelle’s work “Footprints in Africa”.The conference concluded with one delegate from each nation represented to come forward whilst we made a declaration of freedom from strongholds that have bound those nations for generations.We live in a time where we must declare the word of God in every situation. Many seeds were sown into individual lives which will bear great ministries for the future for women in the Balkan region.




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