Conference 2012


2012 – From Glory to Glory

This year 700 women from 16 different Nations gathered in Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia for the 6th Daughter of the King Conference. Our theme was “From Glory to Glory” and we certainly saw the Glory of God manifest itself in a powerful way. Our speakers were outstanding and led by the Spirit of God. Each one of them used experiences out of their own lives to demonstrate what the Word of God says; that is a very powerful way to preach, as it brings them right down to the level of each participant. The response to the speakers was amazing; we saw many salvations, re-commitments, healings, both physically and emotionally. Many were set free from bondages that they have carried for many years; many were able to really forgive for the first time. We introduced something new this year; called “Kingdom Assignment”. It is taken from the parable of the talents. The idea came out of a book called “Kingdom Assignment” by Denny and Leesa Bellesi. We talked about the parable of the talents. 51 women came forward to receive their Kingdom Assignment. They were each given 50 Euro. They have 90 days to report back. Next year we will show a PowerPoint Presentation on how they multiplied their 50 Euro. We supported a Homeless Shelter in Serbia and Pro-Life. Once again we were amazed at what we collected. Sunday morning we prayed for Serbia. The scripture God gave us for Serbia is from Isaiah 29: 17-19 The Lord also gave us the scripture from Ezekiel “Valley of dry bones”; I felt the dry bones represented Christians who were dry for what ever reason and then we did what Ezekiel did, we prophesied to the dry bones and spoke the breath of God back into them and commanded them to arise like a vast army. We then finished with an amazing time of celebration and worship.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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