John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His son…
The gift of eternal life is free, how amazing is that. We cant earn it and we cant buy it, it is completely free. A Gift from our Heavenly Father because He loves us. All we have to do is take the gift and invite Jesus into our lives, repent of our sins, ask Him to take control, and then follow Him. He is completely Trustworthy and Faithful. Proverbs 3:5-6 says “trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He WILL direct your path”.

I have been meditating a lot these past few days on the amazing gift of eternal life that God has given us and a thought came into my mind “what can I give to Jesus this Christmas?” Two words popped into my mind “Thankfulness and Gratitude”. When we are thankful and grateful, we bring joy to Jesus’ heart. It is a way of showing Him that we trust Him with all our tomorrows.

So as you prepare to give gifts to your family and your friends, consider giving a Jesus a Gift as well. My gift to Him will be that I will do my very best to be thankful and grateful everyday of 2017. My dear sisters in Christ, may you have a blessed Christmas and a very prosperous, healthy and happy New Year. I love you,


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